Ben Walsh

Creative Use Of Rhythm In Any Music
As a drummer and producer I’m constantly in the studio recording and composing . In this technological driven age of ours I’m a great believer in getting off grid, Rhythmically speaking. The Artist’s process is very important. I will demonstrate the concepts and technologies I’ve developed through my music and performance and talk about the concepts behind them, many of which cross into all disciplines of artistic practice. In this workshop I’ll be talking about how we can implement creativity and inspire new directions. In a practical way that you can use in your own creative workflow.
Maximum number of participants: 30
Open to:
> Percussionists & Drummers of all stripes
> Other musicians
> Upper high school percussion students (Years10-12)
> Tertiary percussion students
> General public
> Non-participating audience members in an observing capacity
> 80 minutes